My Want List

I'm always looking to fill gaps in my collection. I'm primarily searching for obscure, small label punk, power pop, mod-revival, and other similar genres with a heavy desire to complete my collections of Texas, Florida and the Milwaukee area. Below I've listed some of the records I am actively trying to get a hold of. I would love to trade records or pay fair cash prices to own these. Please contact me if you could help out. Thanks!
101'ERS - Keys To Your Heart b/w 5 Star Rock N Roll (Chiswick - S-3)

222'S - I love Susan (Rebel - RB-7901)

23 JEWELS - Playing Bogart (TEMP-1)

ALIENS - Follow That Girl (Mushroom - K-7804)

AMAZING SPACE FROGS - Dirty Habits (Ribbett - RIB1)

ANTLER JOE & THE ACCIDENTS - Go Commercial! (Killer Sheep - AJ-1000)

BATS - Popgun (Gustav - GT-003)

BEES - Leave Willie Alone (Paw - THF-003)

BLACK RANDY & THE METROSQUAD - I Slept In An Arcade (Dangerhouse - KY-724)

BLADES - Ghost Of A Chance b/w Real Emotion (Energy - NRG-5)

BLESSED - Deep Frenzy (Daven - JC1022)

BUREAUCRATS - Feel The Pain b/w Grown Up Age (MP - CCL45-553)


CHARDON SQUARE - Lost In The Cartoons

CHATS - Can't Be Real (Jupiter - 555)

CIRCLES - Opening Up b/w Billy (Graduate - 04)

CLIVE CULBERTSON - Kiss Me b/w The Night's No Friend Of Mine (Mint - Chew-66)

COMETS - See It In Writing (Orange)

CONTINENTALS - Fizz Pop (CBS - 7476)

CONTROLLERS - Neutron Bomb (What? - 04)

CRACKED ACTOR - Nazi School b/w Judy In Disguise (Death Kill/Die-004)

CRAMP - Suzy Lie Down b/w She Doesn't Love Me (Rip Off - RIP-7)

CRITICAL MASS - Silver Screen b/w No One Left To Blame (Critical Mass - CM-101)

DAULPHINS - Economic Roulette (Latour - LR-1001)

DOG ROSE - City Lights b/w Each Other (Satril - SAT-6)

DOGS - John Rock (Dynamic - RM-110)

DOGS - Slash Your Face (Detroit - DR-001)

EARWIGS - She's So Naive (Rock-A-Mod - L-10125)

EAT - Communist Radio b/w Catholic Love (Giggling Hitler 312-500)

EXCEL - If It Rains EP (ARSS - XL-1)

EXCEL - What Went Wrong b/w Junita (Polydor - POSP-110)

F-BOYZ - Sinnin Like Mad EP (Destroy - 5)

FANS - Giving Me That Look EP (Fried Egg - EGG-003)

FANS - You Don't Live Here Anymore b/w Following You (Fried Egg - EGG-010)

FAST CARS - The Kids Just Wanna Dance b/w You're So Funny (Streets Ahead - SA3)

FASTBACKS - It's Your Birthday b/w You Can't Be Happy (No Threes - N3-005)

FEATURES - Floozie Of The Neighborhood (Paradox - PX-5820)

GAS - It Shows In Your Face b/w Tomorrow (Polydor - POSP-192)

INCREDIBLE KIDDA BAND - Everybody Knows b/w No Nerve (Psycho - P2608)

JIMMY EDWARDS & THE PROFILE - Nora's Diary b/w Call Me A Fraud (Warner Bros - K-17415)

KICKS - If Looks Could Kill b/w F.A.B. (Blue Chip BC-102)

KIDDA BAND - Fighting My Way Back b/w Saturday Night Fever (Carrere - CAR119)

LETTERS - Nobody Loves Me b/w Don't Want You Back (Heartbeat - PULSE9)

LINEAR DESCENT - Sheila b/w This Man's Disgrace (Pomo 6815)

LIP MOVES - Guest b/w What Is (Ticonderoga - HP-1)

LONG TALL SHORTY - Win Or Lose b/w Ain't Done Wrong (Ramkup CAC-007)

MODERNS - Year Of Today EP (Private)

MUSCLE BEACH - Let's Get Dumb b/w Me Generation (Dumb)

NEW HEARTS - Plain Jane b/w My Young Teacher (CBS 6381)

NEWS (OZ) - Dirty Lies b/w Chop Chop Chop

NIGHT BRIGADE - Gotta Place In My Heart b/w Make Believe (Honey)

ONES - Tight Rope b/w Short Dress (Blue Ribbon - BRR-115)

PROTEX - A Place In Your Heart b/w Jeepster (Polydor - 2059-245)

RESISTORS - EP For Jeanie (Break)

ROUSERS - Susan's Day b/w Touched (Torso)

SECTOR FOUR - Disc-Lexia EP (Destroy - 003)

SEVENTEEN - Don't Let Go b/w Bank Holiday Weekend (Vendetta - VD-001)

SHOCK TREATMENT - Big Check Shirts b/w Mr. Mystery Man (D.A.B. - 001)

SINGLES - Someone That I Knew b/w If You'll Only (Basilik)

SQUARES - No Fear b/w Nobody's Fool (Airebeat - ABT-1)

STRANGEWAYS - Show Her You Care b/w You're On Your Own (Real ARE-2)

TINOPENERS - Set Me Free b/w I'm Not Your Type (Logo GO-375)

UNDERTONES - Teenage Kicks EP (Good Vibrations - GOT-4)

UXB - Crazy Today b/w Mister Fix-It (Crazy Plane SP-002)

VERTEX - John b/w Fell In Love (Mamma)

ZEROS - They Say That (Everything's Alright) b/w Getting Nowhere Fast (Test Tube)

ZIPS - Take Me Down EP (Black Gold Music - ZIP-1)

Again, this is just a partial list. If you have any of these or other similar records that you want to sell or trade, please get in touch.


  1. If they're available for trade, please send me a message:
